Fairport Convention - Close to the Wind

Fairport Convention - Close to the Wind

Trackliste: 01. Red and Gold 02. All your beauty 03. Summer before the War 04. Cup of Tea 05. London River 06. Gold 07. The Wounded Whale ... mehr »
Trackliste: 01. Red and Gold 02. All your beauty 03. Summer before the War ... mehr »
Großbritannien 2000 | FSK 0
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HandlungFairport Convention - Close to the Wind

01. Red and Gold
02. All your beauty
03. Summer before the War
04. Cup of Tea
05. London River
06. Gold
07. The Wounded Whale
08. Set me up
09. Open the Door Richard
10. Rhythm of the Time
11. Mock Morris
12. The Begger's Song
13. Dark Eyed Molly
14. Claudy Banks
15. Sock in it
16. Close to the Wind (Live)

FilmdetailsFairport Convention - Close to the Wind

Fairport Convention: Close to the Wind

DarstellerFairport Convention - Close to the Wind

TrailerFairport Convention - Close to the Wind

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FilmzitateFairport Convention - Close to the Wind

Deine Online-Videothek präsentiert: Fairport Convention - Close to the Wind aus dem Jahr 2000 - als DVD, Blu-ray, 4K UHD leihen. Ein Film aus dem Genre Musik mit Fairport Convention. Film-Material © Silverline.
Fairport Convention - Close to the Wind; 0; 08.12.2003; 0,0; 0; 0 Minuten; Fairport Convention; Musik;